Turkey and the chances of membership in the European Union and the future of the relationship 1950-2015
Dr. Mohammad Mahmoud Tabtab*1 , Dr. Wesal Abdullah Mohammed Saleh2
1 College of Graduate Studies | University of The Holy Quran and The Rooting of Science | Sudan
2 University of The Holy Quran and The Rooting of Science | Sudan
Abstract: This study aims to examine the problem of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, as it is one of the most important contemporary issues that raise great controversy inside and outside the European Union. Especially after the entry of European countries, and the opening of negotiations for Turkey to join the European Union in October 2005. Turkey carried out several internal reforms, such as political, economic, and social, and then shed light on the development of the relationship between Turkey and the European Union, and studied the various obstacles and challenges, which Turkey, in its attempts to join it, faced Turkey’s ability to overcome these obstacles by implementing various reforms. To achieve the goal, the researcher followed the historical method, by analyzing the observed European Union data on Turkey, and analyzing the content of many texts and opinions that serve the goal of the study. Therefore, the researcher recommended that Turkey continue its attempts to embarrass the European Union in front of the world in its attempts to join the European Union.
Keywords: Turkey – membership of the European Union – political sciences.
تركيا وفرص العضوية في الاتحاد الأوروبي ومستقبل العلاقة 1950-2015
الدكتور / محمد محمود طبطب*1 , الدكتورة / وصال عبد الله محمد صالح2
1 كلية الدراسات العليا | جامعة القرآن الكريم وتأصيل العلوم | السودان
2 جامعة القرآن الكريم وتأصيل العلوم | السودان
الكلمات المفتاحية: تركيا – عضوية الاتحاد الأوروبي – العلوم السياسية